martedì 12 febbraio 2013

Abs fitness workout: How to get six-pack abs

6 PACK Everyone wants to know how to get a six pack, but how do people do it? The answer is quite easy, but the work is where most people give up. Getting a six pack or just a nice flat stomach can be easy if it is balanced and done correctly. Exercising is part of it, but it will not do the trick full time. You must also eat correctly. This is crucial because your body stores a lot of the excess fat in the "gut" area. Burning through the layer of fat between the rectus abdominus and your skin is the hardest part of this exercise. Once you do this you will be able to see the muscle and work on refining the upper and lower parts of it. There are many different exercises that can be done to achieve a six pack, but some tend to be more effective than others.
For this exercise you will lie on your back and have your knees bend at a 90 degree angle. You can place your hands behind you head. Begin pumping your legs back and forth. This works the rectus abdominis and the obliques.
The bridge crunch:
For this exercise you will lie on your back and have your knees bent, but have your feet flat on the floor. You can place you hands behind your head or ears. You will then lift you head and shoulders off the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat. Make sure that you keep your feet flat on the floor. This exercise works you rectus abdominis.
The situp:
This is a very standard exercise for working your abs, but it is a good and easy one and gets the job done. For this exercise, it may help you to have your feet under an object to keep your legs on the ground. You can fold your arms across you chest or keep your hands held behind your ears. Use your abs to slowly lift your upper body. Come back down, slowly and with control. Where many people go wrong with this exercise is that they try to use their back or their neck to help them. If it gets to the point where you can't go on without only using your abs then stop the exercise. This exercise works you rectus abdominis, obliques, and quadriceps. It can be a very useful exercise if done correctly.
Those exercises are very good to start with and to use regularly in your exercise routine. One final topic to discuss is diet. Good diet while doing these exercises is extremely important and can make or break abs. You want to stay away from foods high in fat and sugar. Protein is important to help build the rectus abdominis (the six pack muscle) and will make it visible. The correct balance of exercise and diet will get you those abs you have been looking for.
Good luck with your exercise!

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