sabato 9 marzo 2013

How to get and stay motivated to exercise

It doesn’t matter how old you are; the benefits of doing exercise are the same for everyone, which is why you shouldn’t let age get in the way of your fitness. Perhaps, you were active as a child but found it more difficult to make time for exercise when you reached your twenties and thirties, having to work long hours while raising your children. However, once you reach a certain age when your children have left home and you are able to concentrate more on what you want out life you have more time to spend working on your fitness. Maybe you’ve never had an inclination to exercise, but have come to realise how important it is to keep fit.
--> The main thing is to find a sport or an activity that you enjoy doing so that you can actually have some fun while keeping fit. Indeed, it is extremely important to get some enjoyment out of doing exercise, as otherwise it can be hard to motivate yourself to get up to go for a jog or head to the gym after work. If you have fun doing exercise you will make an effort to do it regularly, which is what you need to do, anyway, if you are going to access the long-term benefits of exercise.
You may have been a keen cyclist when you were a youngster and so decide to go back to see if you still have the same passion for it. Often, the skills and aptitude you developed for a particular sport never go away and once you get into a routine of training again you will soon be able to perform to a similar level. Alternatively, you may not have had an interest in sport when you were growing up and so decide to look for an activity which suits your preferences as an adult. You may decide to join a walking club or take up ballroom dancing, for instance.

By taking up a sport you have an opportunity to meet people and socialise, which is important because this will boost your self-esteem and confidence, leaving you less inclined towards depression. Exercise is good for your mental state, anyway, helping to reduce feelings of depression, anxiety and stress. Physically, exercise can benefit you also, as you are less likely to have aheart attack or stroke and you’re at less risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Keeping active also makes it easier for you to manage your weight.

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