venerdì 22 febbraio 2013

How to keep your body in top shape

Eat the Greens or Hit the Gyms?
What exactly is the need of exercising, if dieting has the same affect? It is true that exercising and dieting both help you lose weight, but they have many differences, as well as similarities. Many people make the mistake of attempting to lose weight, without putting these into great consideration. This may be why 3 in every 5 attempts are failures. Knowing these similarities and differences can lead to an appropriate choice of a weight loss method for an individual. This is the key to a successful weight loss.
One major difference between dieting and exercising is that dieting is nutrition based. Through dieting, your body will receive only what it needs and benefits from, helping reduce your cholesterol. Proper dieting would help you loss weight, and appear less heavy, sometimes even slim. While exercising is based on physical fitness, it not only makes you less fat, it also makes you more flexible and agile. By converting excess fat into muscles, through workouts, exercising makes your muscles stronger, while also making you appear more fit than the average person.
Another difference between exercising and dieting is the time and effort you'll need to dedicate to each, to have successful results. Exercising requires much time and effort, daily. You would have to change your daily schedule and set aside enough time for a full work out. This often seems to serve as an inconvenience for many individuals. Dieting on the other hand, should have very little effect on your schedule. We all already eat daily, so it should easily fit into our schedule. All it requires is that you eat what is healthy and will benefit you, in a positive way.
The main factor that drastically affects those who pursue weight loss is money. The cost of anything, not only healthy food or exercising necessities, is of great concern to everyone. Dieting costs noticeably much more money than exercising. The most that is needed for dieting is a couple of nutrition books and constant purchasing of the suggested foods. Exercising requires much more purchases. The proper clothing would be surely needed. Then there would also be the need for exercising equipment or gym membership, and maybe even a personal trainer. This could have a huge affect on an individual's budget.
Another important difference between exercising and dieting is the stress and pain one may have to endure. Exercising adds a great load of stress to people, especially when you know you need to
do it. It is sometimes very painful and can be discouraging. Even though one may get tempted to sidetrack, dieting is much less stressful, and definitely less painful. Avoiding too much stress could make the weight loss process much easier for an individual.
One thing exercising and dieting have in common, even though one may seem more stressful than the other, is that they are both very healthy. They are actually both highly recommended, not just obese people, but to everyone. They both help burn fat and lower cholesterol, which leads to weight loss. Most importantly, they help maintain a healthy heart and body.
The key object to knocking off pounds is dedication and effort. One must be committed to strictly eat healthy food or properly exercise daily. There are no shortcuts to naturally losing weight. You'll have to be devoted to the time period required to drop the amount of weight you hope on losing, and remain focused no matter what obstacles you are presented with.
Another similarity between dieting and exercising is that they have both been proven to be equally effective. Depending on the extent you take either of them to, and how serious you are, reflects on their results. If you eat more nutritionally, and reduce or eliminate unhealthy foods, your rate of losing weight would be greater. Equally the same with exercising, the more often you exercise, the more weight you lose. On the other hand, if you do not take either one seriously, you will not lose as much weight, and may even gain weight.
Resources for exercising and dieting can be found almost everywhere. This makes both of these weight loss methods very accessible. There are thousands of gyms around the world, and nutritious food everywhere. In the few places where gyms are not present, there are always alternatives. Running and swimming are two extremely effective exercises that can substitute for others.
Being obese or overweight is dangerously unhealthy and puts your body at risk. But losing weight can be a hassle if you go along it the wrong way. To get positive results, one must look into the similarities and differences of exercising and dieting, and try to decide which would be more convenient for them. The smallest things that seem to be the most irrelevant, such as time, might be the reason you do not succeed in losing weight.

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