sabato 23 febbraio 2013

Resting muscles for muscle growth

Our bodies are amazing machines. They are continually working to keep us in optimum form, based on our lifestyle. When we overextend, our bodies let us know, but also set to work repairing any damage.
Working out and building muscle are becoming more and more interesting to people as we learn about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Stronger muscles mean our bodies are capable of handling more than they would otherwise. If you are interested in building muscle, whether it is to protect bone structure as you get older, or to be able to compete athletically, there are some key things you must keep in mind as you begin your routine.
Whenever we use a muscle the millions of fibers within it act like rubber bands. They pull by contracting, and stretch by relaxing, allowing our different parts to move in a variety of ways. The more we use a muscle, the more accustomed to the pulling and releasing motion it becomes. If we overuse the muscle, however, some of these fibers break under the pressure. This is why our muscles ache after heavy exercise.
However, this fiber-breaking process is crucial to building muscle. Each time a fiber breaks, the body goes to work immediately to rebuild it. Because each fiber is seen as a weak-link, the body repairs it by making it stronger than it was before. Over time, our muscles grow and become more flexible, providing protection to our bones and giving us the ability to do more.
In order for muscles to grow, it is important to do more than simply exercise. As important as it is to push our muscles to work, it is also crucial we allow them to rest. After the fibers in a muscle break, the body needs time to do the repair work. Not allowing that resting time can slow the muscle-building process down and make exercising less desirable due to the discomfort.
If you enjoy working out on a daily basis, alternate your routine to work different muscle groups. Focusing on the upper body one day, and the lower the next, means that the muscles in each group get a full day's rest between workouts. Remember to stretch before and after workouts as well, to increase the blood-flow to your muscles. This will aid in the regeneration process

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